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rural notAtlanta 1220 3202 111 votes ballots APPLING 6099 6617 ATKINSON 2071 2149 BACON 2995 3347 BAKER 1519 1607 BALDWIN 12126 12785 BANKS 4533 4773 Extending the linear model with R 2 The cases in this dataset are the counties of Georgia and the variables are (in order) the type of voting equipment used, the economic level of the county, the percentage of African Americans, whether the Products, Software & Services: The Most Complete Portfolio in the Industry Emerson helps manufacturers achieve top quartile business performance through the industry’s broadest portfolio of technologies to measure, control, optimize and power their operations – and the experience and expertise to solve their toughest problems. The GDNGs are formed by an established desolvation process and accompanying GA cross-link (Fig. 1(B)-a). The model drug Dox is simply loaded into GDNGs through the coordination interactions between Fe 3+ ions and ligands (including catechols in GDNGs and phenolic groups in Dox) ( Fig. 1 (B)-b). Blue Yonder, formerly JDA Software, has the world's leading digital fulfillment platform and end-to-end supply chain management solutions. Purushottam Laxman Deshpande (alternatively written as Pu La Deshpande; 8 November 1919 – 12 June 2000 [failed verification]), popularly known by his initials ("Pu. La.") or as P. L. Deshpande, was a Marathi writer and humorist from Maharashtra, India. 10 Kulkarni M, Chaudhari A. Microbial remediation of nitro-aromatic compounds: An overview. J Environ Manage, 2007, 85: 496~512 11 Mitchell KH, Rogge CE, Gierahn T, Fox BG. Insight into the mechanism of aromatic hydroxylation by toluene 4-monooxygenase by use of specifically deuterated toluene and p-xylene. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 2003, 100: 3784~3789 云原生计算基金会(CNCF)最近宣布Rook毕业,这是一款面向Kubernetes的开源云原生存储编排器。Rook是CNCF的第13个项目,它使用针对每个存储提供商的KubernetesOperator来提供功能。Rook最初在2018年被接收为CNCF项目,如今其贡献者群体已经增长了260%。Rook是CNCF毕业的第一个基于块、文件或对象存储的项目
Luo Y, Villaseca S A, Friedrich M, et al. Addressing electronic effects in the semi-hydrogenation of ethyne by InPd2 and intermetallic Ga-Pd compounds [J]. J. Catal., 2016, 338: 265 [36] Kameoka S, Kimura T. A novel process for preparation of unsupported mesoporous intermetallic NiZn and PdZn catalysts [J]. Catal. Lett., 2009, 131: 219 [37] School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, United States Received: 2015-11-07 Revised: 2015-12-07 Online: 2016-02-29 Published: 2016-03-01
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