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NFZ removal – CopterSafe – Remove No Fly Zone limitation

为Mavic启用Quickshots。 *出现在Go应用程序中,但不适用于.700固件。你需要4.1.14 GO和1.03.1000或1.04.0000 * *更多补丁正在处理中,此列表可能不完整* 下面是如何创建你自己的go apk补丁(安卓) windows 1, 先下载java 环境, 没有的就装, 有的跳到下一步. DJI Aircraft: AGRAS MG-1P, AGRAS MG-1S, Inspire 1, Inspire 1 Pro, Inspire 2, Matrice 100, Matrice 200, Matrice 200 V2, Matrice 600, Matrice 600 Pro, Mavic Air, Mavic Air 2, Mavic Mini, Mavic Mini 2, Mavic Pro 1 - Incl Platinum and Alpine, Mavic Pro 2 - Enterprise, Mavic Pro 2 - Enterprise Dual, Mavic Pro 2 - Incl Zoom, Phantom 3 4K, Phantom 3 Mod+NFZ DJI GO 4 v4.3.10.ipa works best with OccuSync DJI drone models i.e Mavic pro 1,Mavic pro 2 and zoom,etc! Use this version to turn on/enable Boost with freqs mods on ALL DJI GO 4 and DJI pilot versions click here for more information!! You will never need a newer modded app again! File size=594,907,266 bytes NLD took all of the NFZ restrictions off my DJI Mavic pro and if anybody have with dji take out just contact the and make a service ticket NLD wi I thought that getting the DJI Mavic Pro was the best thing in my life but it was finding your programme which made my bird free again. 游侠网补丁站提供侠盗猎车手5 大疆Mavic Pro无人机MOD(感谢游侠会员kuangjian提供分享)下载,侠盗猎车手5(Grand Theft Auto V)大疆Mavic Pro无人机MOD(感谢游侠会员kuangjian提供分享)相关游戏MOD尽在游侠网补丁站。

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